To explain this picture I'll tell you the story behind it...
One stormy night old man Jenkins was awoken by a loud bang. (When you're half asleep things can get a little weird too). The old man gets up and figures it was something caused by the storm as any person would first assume. He begins walking around looking for something out of place but finds nothing. As he goes outside in the pouring rain he leaves his door open so he can run out and right back in. After looking outside for 5 minutes he runs back inside and figures that it was jsut his imagination playing tricks on him. He goes peacefully back to bed but something wakes him up again only a few short minutes later. He looks at his clock and notices it has only moved 3 minutes. He gets up again, worried that something is going on. He grabs his hunting rifle and walks around again, this time on his toes ready to shoot anything that moves. When he looks outside again he hears footsteps up stairs. Old man Jenkins lives alone. Now the old man's heart was beating faster than its capability and his nerves were on end. He tells himself not to go upstairs but his instinct forces him up each step. He turns the corner into his bed room where a black figure jumps out and knocks his rifle away. The figure disappears into the darkness and the old man hits the lights. All of the sudden a large figure under the carpet was headed straight for the old man. He grabbed the only thing in sight, a wooden chair, and hit the object as hard as he could. It lay lifeless and still. The old man hits it again just to make sure the intruder is dead. He began to move the carpet and he saw a small squirrel that must have escaped the storm when he left his door open.
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