Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How ridiculous I was as a...

How ridiculous I was as a youngin' was quite, well, ridiculous. I was a pretty normal kid with a good sense of humor so I guess you could say I was silly. My brother more appropriately earned the title as "goofy". One day we were in florida at the super sea world and they had every animal from manitee to octopus. We had one hell of a time mostly because of the rides they had there and especially "The Kraken" rollercoaster. I have always been more of an adrenaline junkie, I guess you could call it that, and my brother was more of a "oh look at this animal" kind of guy. When we were inside the aquarium my brother looked at the octopus and starting knocking on the glass and making goofy faces at the animal. The octopus with a sense of anger unleashed and broke through the glass wreaking havoc among the people at sea world that day. It lashed out with its tentacles and started sucking onto things and throwing and twisting them all around and in the weirdest ways. Now if you believe this story you may be more gullable than Sean Devine. But anyways, in the end everyone may have been drenched but they left that day with a story to tell. What a day at sea world. We also saw shamoo the killer whale (this part of the story is true) which was pretty cool.

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