Friday, February 25, 2011
Daily Journal 2/25
The first person I would invite is Leonardo da Vinci because he seemed to have all these crazy ideas for his time that hundreds of years later became real working things. For example he created the first blue prints for helicopters and even submarines. I also believe he could tell me so much about secret societies like Illuminati and the free masons. I feel like I could learn so much yet be so interested at the same time if I were lucky enough to have a conversation with the one and only, Leonardo da Vinci. Another person that I would invite would have to be Albert Einstein because he is so talented and unbelievably smart. One could imagine what good conversation he would bring to the table. The last person I would invite would be Aaron Rodgers just because he's a good, quality guy. These three together would have quite the interesting conversations and they all know so much that I don't but would definitely be willing to learn. Now I can't think of anything to write............................................................................................................................................... Writers block...............................................................................................................................I am staring blankly at the screen... siiiiiiiccckkkkkkk
Thursday, February 24, 2011
CoD with lag makes me want to throw up in a bag,
Yet I've got mad skills with way more kills than deaths.
Using galils and making heals, can you say mvp?
When the game starts my adrenaline rushes,
5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. time to play and have some fun.
Jungle and nuketown, putting other kids k/d's down
Building up my CoD self esteem.
Black ops baby, someday, just maybe...
You could be as good as me.
Until that day I'll still merk with my AK
Powning noobs and shooting noob tubes
CoD is my game, soon will come the fame.
Yet I've got mad skills with way more kills than deaths.
Using galils and making heals, can you say mvp?
When the game starts my adrenaline rushes,
5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. time to play and have some fun.
Jungle and nuketown, putting other kids k/d's down
Building up my CoD self esteem.
Black ops baby, someday, just maybe...
You could be as good as me.
Until that day I'll still merk with my AK
Powning noobs and shooting noob tubes
CoD is my game, soon will come the fame.
Daily Journal 2/24
Well it'd have to be a near death experience which happened this past weekend a couple times while driving to my cabin in a snow storm. We were almost run into, we almost slid into others and off into ditches. These ditches weren't your typical ditches, I mean small mountains or bluffs. If we were to fall off the edge of that we would be done for no doubt. Besides the whole almost falling to our deaths there were other times that my heart stopped like when we were traveling down a high way and the truck turn completely side ways and slid just barely missing two other cars. I had only been in one crash in my life and I was much younger and laughing when it happened because our astro van rolled one winter and I found it to be more like a ride than a crash when it happened. Besides those times I can't remember one specific time when I was scared besides maybe seeing a scary movie or going to trail of terror. I do remember two specific moments at the trail of terror that scared the shit out of me. The first was a clown house and my friends and I were down a long pitch black hallway with a slow strobe light going on. All of the sudden a clown came out and didn't appear to be moving but when the next flash went off the clown was closer. We ended up running out of there laughing having a good time though. The other time is in the giant maze they have there and the girl from the ring was running all weird like she does in the movies and she got literally inches away from you and had a knife. We all came through laughing once again but still scared none the less. Those would have to be the scariest moments in my life so far that I can remember.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Daily Journal 2/23
PEGGLE is the most addicting game ever that I happened to come across this past weekend. My brother, Max, and myself went up to my cabin to shoot at the range and have a good time. They don't have internet up their so we had to make use of what free games we already had on the computer. As I was looking through my HP games I found peggle and the rest is history. We non-stop played until we beat the entire first game which took a couple of hours. Then last night we were all fiending to play so now that we had internet available I found the second version of peggle... Peggle: Nights. My night last night consisted of kicking back, gaming on the ps3, and peggle. I have a feeling that it will be a big hit in the next few months once people realize how amazing and addicting it is. To explain the game it's a bunch of blue and orange balls or bricks that are layed in some pattern across the screen, they are known as pegs. You then have a cannon that shoots a ball from the middle top of the screen downward and bounces off of the pegs until it goes through them all and falls off the screen. The hit pegs are then removed and you have to try and hit all the orange pegs before you run out of balls. You can also get power ups and bonuses and such to keep the game entertaining. Once you play through all of the levels you play the final round known as the master levels. Once you beat that you can claim yourself as a master of the peggle universe. I'm a master of the peggle universe... I will probably go home and peggle some more. peggle peggle peggle peggle peggle peggle peggle.
Twas truly a transcendent time
As an average team attempted to attack the all stars
The gold and green gazing gallantly like lemon lime
The bad guys broke down like busted cars
Through thick and thin they fought to win
A jubilant Jordy and Jennings jumped with joy
Title town tumbled and twisted with a big grin
Lombardi's trophy looks like a lot to enjoy
As an average team attempted to attack the all stars
The gold and green gazing gallantly like lemon lime
The bad guys broke down like busted cars
Through thick and thin they fought to win
A jubilant Jordy and Jennings jumped with joy
Title town tumbled and twisted with a big grin
Lombardi's trophy looks like a lot to enjoy
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Earliest memory
I can only think of two moments that I can somewhat remember of when I was much younger. The first memory/memories I have is from preschool and we had certain rooms known as blue and red. In the red room we had an open floor for story/nap time then we had a goo thing that was pretty fun. In the blue room we had a cardboard space ship and stuff like that to role play with. Then we had the gym which had a jungle gym in it. I remember when we all brought a stuffed animal and everyone circled a blanket making the animals bounce up and down off of it. The next clear memory I have is the first day of kindergarten and I can even remember the shirt I wore. It was a white shirt with sharks and the saying "shark attack" in line across the shirt. I also remember being outside and waiting for the bus. My mom drove behind the bus along with many other parents. We got to school and our parents got to spend the half day with us before we went home. Besides some blurry memories that's all I can really remember before age 5 or so. The only other time I can recall is whe I messed up my knee on an underwater anchor and now I have a scar or times at the Gustafson day care.
A sense of time
Summer is hot red
The color of warmth and fun
Summer feels like vacation every day
It sounds like laughter and good times
It smells like fresh green grass and warm lake waters
Summer tastes like victory
Summer is the best time of the year
Summer is hot red
The color of warmth and fun
Summer feels like vacation every day
It sounds like laughter and good times
It smells like fresh green grass and warm lake waters
Summer tastes like victory
Summer is the best time of the year
Friday, February 18, 2011
A man/woman walks out into the cold night air. His/her hands are shaking from what just happened…
He escaped death once again. The day was January 7th and the time was 2:47 am. Jimmy was a mysterious young man who know one had known much about. It appears he was actually an agent and he just escaped death for the last time. His ex boss from his last agency was the best agent any man had known and when Jimmy had dared to defy him he thought only to act before agent 7, a.k.a. Jimmy, could act first. He tracked down agent 7 and when he was asleep he attacked. 7 was too smart and was anticipating the attack so when number 1, a.k.a. Jimmy's ex boss, jumped through the window with an ak-47 Jimmy jumped up using his judo technique. After a long epic battle, 7 came out victorious. As for number 1, his "dead" body was gone. Da Da DAAAA!!!!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
1. Life
2. Life isn't easy and there's gonna be times when it's smooth and times when it's rough
3. Live his life to his full potential and not follow in her footsteps
4. Life is the "crystal stairs"
Theme parks are fun
It's something we all love to do
But when we realize what we do there
There's much more than meets the eye
We ride roller coasters
Up and down
All around
Kind of like something important
They have their ups
They have their downs
We have our smiles
We have our frowns
This rollercoaster is something more
Showing us how life goes on
It represents our lives all to well
Up and down the roller coaster goes
2. Life isn't easy and there's gonna be times when it's smooth and times when it's rough
3. Live his life to his full potential and not follow in her footsteps
4. Life is the "crystal stairs"
Theme parks are fun
It's something we all love to do
But when we realize what we do there
There's much more than meets the eye
We ride roller coasters
Up and down
All around
Kind of like something important
They have their ups
They have their downs
We have our smiles
We have our frowns
This rollercoaster is something more
Showing us how life goes on
It represents our lives all to well
Up and down the roller coaster goes
Daily Journal 2/17
Well... my brother bought an AK-47 a couple days ago because he wanted to. We went to the dollar store looking for things to shoot at and blow up when we go down to my cabin on Sunday and Monday. I'm pretty excited to shoot it since I never have shot an assault rifle before. The only thing that makes it a little disappointing is how it isn't full auto. It's illegal to have it be full auto but that would have been really tight to shoot. I'm looking forward to that as well as the weekend in general. I'm visiting Winona sometime this weekend as well just to look around even though I'm about 90% sure that's where I want to go. Now I can't think of what else to write and I'm still blanked. School is pretty boring but you have to do it so I guess I can't complain. I love Conan O'Brien and his late night show. I watch it every night then go to bed between 11 and 12. Besides that my days are pretty normal. I like to game and play CoD, NHL 11, NCAA 11, etc. Sleep is a favorite thing of mine as well. I'd rather sleep 8 hours than sleep 12. I'm a firm believer that sleeping in makes you more tired than sleeping the recommended amount. I just thought about when I have to do my lyrics assignment and I have no idea when I'm supposed to go. I'll figure out sooner or later. I can't think of any other pointless information to write down sooo peace.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Daily Journal 2/16
I wake up and try to take a deep breath, but the deeper the breath the more severe the pain. The ground is hard beneath my back, and I feel a dull pain in my arm… I finally begin to regain consciousness and I look at my surroundings. Everyone begins to smile and start cheering but I don't remember why. As I sit up I begin see the stadium with it's jumps and gaps and then I look behind me where I see my motorcycle laying there destroyed. Everything is beginning to come back now but I still can't remember how I crashed. I was probably the luckiest man alive that day coming out of that accident with only a broken arm and some memory loss. My friend goes on to tell me all about what happened. He tells me how I was trying to go for the highest and longest motorcycle jump in history. Everything was going as planned but there was loose gravel around the jump causing it to slip, causing me to crash.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Best Friend
My best friend cares for me as much as I care for them. They think the same way I do and act the same way I do. We have what seems like a million things in common including sports, favorite shows, movies, music, cars, dress style, and we have the same group of friends as well. They are my best friend because they are someone who I have fun being with. There's never a dull moment and we always seem to be laughing and having a good time. We've been through it all, through thick and thin and that's just another reason why we're best friends. I look out for them and they look out for me no matter what. We are honest towards each other and loyal as well. I could be out with other friends and then invite them along because they are adaptable to different environments and easy to make friends with. Over the summer we had some of the greatest times I've had in my life, but also some low times that weren't so great. In the end, I know why they are my best friend and honestly, some words can't even describe why. I just know and I'm pretty damn sure I'm right.
Monday, February 14, 2011
1. A calendar is like a mirror because_______you look at it everyday__________.
2. A sandwich is like a _______bed__________ because______you make it________.
3. An ice cube is like a cookie because______they melt in your mouth________.
4. A knife is like a whisper because_______it cuts silently_________.
5. Kissing is like a careful collision because______lips collide_______.
6. _____A tongue______ feels like a peeled grape.
7. _____Seaweed______ feels like leftover spaghetti.
8. Falling in love sounds like_________ because__________.
9. A dentist’s drill feels like ____an earthquake______ because____it shakes everything______.
10. Tomato soup tastes like bleeding hearts because____it's red and warm________.
Summer is like christmas
Warmth is like love
Swimming is like being in space
Sleeping in is like getting a free massage
The bright sun is like the light of heaven
2. A sandwich is like a _______bed__________ because______you make it________.
3. An ice cube is like a cookie because______they melt in your mouth________.
4. A knife is like a whisper because_______it cuts silently_________.
5. Kissing is like a careful collision because______lips collide_______.
6. _____A tongue______ feels like a peeled grape.
7. _____Seaweed______ feels like leftover spaghetti.
8. Falling in love sounds like_________ because__________.
9. A dentist’s drill feels like ____an earthquake______ because____it shakes everything______.
10. Tomato soup tastes like bleeding hearts because____it's red and warm________.
Summer is like christmas
Warmth is like love
Swimming is like being in space
Sleeping in is like getting a free massage
The bright sun is like the light of heaven
Out of the dark
Out of the dark we came into a large indoor world sort of like Willy Wonkas factory.The place we arrived at was a place that no one had ever imagined. There were trumpets playing as we walked in the entrance. We were walking down towards the football stadium when a group of little monsters that looked like hamsters mixed with dogs came running out in front of the group and a girl squealed saying it was to dangerous to continue on, but we kept making progress. I started to wonder what goes on in the crafty mind of the creator of this imaginary world but my thought was interrupted as I smelt something that just reeked. All the sudden I opened my eyes to see my dog staring at me breathing in my face.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Bucket List
- sky dive
- go to a superbowl
- travel the world
- go surfing
- go on a safari
- go to space
- cliff diving
- fly a plane
- ride a bull
- deep sea fishing
- party at the playboy mansion
- own a bugatti
- expose illuminati
- buy a giant super bouncy trampoline
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
There once was a man named Drew
Who really had to go poo
His stomache rumbled
He got up but stumbled
And he poo'd all over his shoe
Who really had to go poo
His stomache rumbled
He got up but stumbled
And he poo'd all over his shoe
10 years from now
Today I woke up at 8am to get ready for work. I look to my left and see my amazingly sexy girlfriend still sleeping. I shower up and get ready, get in my 2020 BMW M3 and drive to work. I arrive at work where I do all the sports and entertainment marketing for the Green Bay Packers, Milwaukee Brewers, etc. After work I come home around 5pm to a hot dinner awaiting my presence. After dinner I head to lifetime to get a solid workout in. I'll shower up and relax the rest of the night watching good tv shows and playing PS3 until I go to bed and do it all over again.
Ode to Green Bay
Green Bay
The greatest city in the world
Owner of Americas real football team
The one and only Title Town
Bringing the Lombardi trophy home
A city that cares only about its fans
And brings true passion to the field everytime
Making history with everything they do
Aaron Rodgers, Clay Matthews and Charles Woodson
My only true love
Green and yellow
Superbowl XLV champions
The greatest city in the world
Owner of Americas real football team
The one and only Title Town
Bringing the Lombardi trophy home
A city that cares only about its fans
And brings true passion to the field everytime
Making history with everything they do
Aaron Rodgers, Clay Matthews and Charles Woodson
My only true love
Green and yellow
Superbowl XLV champions
My most embarrassing moment
I couldn't instantly think of one embarrassing moment because I tend to block them out. After a good amount of time I remembered one pretty embarrassing time in my life. One day when I was probably 6 or 7 years old I was biking around the neighborhood on a warm sunday evening. I decided I had to go faster so I stood up to pedal as fast as I possibly could. Then it happened. I was going too fast for the bike and my right footed sliped off the pedal and somehow got stuck between the metal chain frame and the bikes own metal frame. I tried for what seemed like forever to get my foot out but it just wasn't possible. Neighbors volunteered to grab their tool boxes and try to save my helpless foot. None of it worked. There was only one option left... the fire department? Yes the fire department came with a full crew and flashing lights attracting the few neighbors that weren't already outside watching. I finally got my foot out and everyone clapped and went home with a story to tell and I went home with nothing but embarrassment.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Assignment 2/7
Ambitious, optimistic, laid back, caring
Brother of Sam
Lover of sports, family, friends, the green bay packers
Who feels so unbelievably excited when the Packers win the Superbowl
Who needs sleep
Who gives friendship, fun, encouragment, kindness
Who fears nothing but fear itself
Who would like to see world peace
Resident of Apple Valley
Ambitious, optimistic, laid back, caring
Brother of Sam
Lover of sports, family, friends, the green bay packers
Who feels so unbelievably excited when the Packers win the Superbowl
Who needs sleep
Who gives friendship, fun, encouragment, kindness
Who fears nothing but fear itself
Who would like to see world peace
Resident of Apple Valley
Monday, February 7, 2011
To be honest, I'd probably not think anything and just run from the lion. I would be running so fast just hoping the lion didn't catch me and eat me. If running wasn't an option, I would catch the zebra and harness it then ride off into the sunset. If I couldn't ride a zebra, I would probably have to man up and wrestle it like Steve Irwin. The only other thing I could imagine myself doing is just sitting there hoping that the lion doesn't eat me and only eats the zebra. I figure this would also be taking place in Africa and I guess that'd be cool because I've never been there but then the whole being attacked by a lion thing might ruin the entire thing. Before I go there I'll have to read a "How to survive in Africa" book.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Thanks Mom
Thank you mom for everything you have done for me. For starters you brought me into this world and then went on to let me live with you for 18 years while feeding me and caring for me all at the same time. Without you life would be pretty damn tough and I don't think any words could express how grateful I am that I have you to help me through my life. If it weren't for you I probably wouldn't be where I am today. You stuck with me through thick and thin and for that I'll always love you. Thanks mom!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Memorable Events
- Winning state for baseball in 2008
- My Dads death on Jan 1st, 2006
- Packers winning the superbowl in '96
- Packers going to the superbowl in 2011!!!!
- Breaking my arm... twice
- Going to Lambeau field and watching the pack kill the seahawks
- Getting my license and my first car
- First days of elementary, middle school, and high school
- Lunch duty
- Visiting UND in the summer of '09
- Football games
- 8th grade football state championship
An amazing place
The most amazing place i had ever been in my entire life is easily, without a doubt Jamaica. That's of course inside the resorts because out on the streets its simply dirty. The weather seems to always be amazing and the water is always a vivid blue. Wherever you turn to look you see smiling faces. I went there back in 4th grade so i was only about 10 years old. I wish I could have gone at my age now but I'm still grateful to have gone at all. I remember going from cold freezing temperatures in Minnesota to landing in a foreign land where it was 80 and sunny. My first thoughts were, "damn, I'm not going to ever want to leave this place". Sure enough when the time came around the last thing I wanted to do was leave. The experience plus being at an all inclusive resort where almost every night I was so stuffed from eating that I could barely walk was surely an experience I'll never forget. If I ever am lucky enough to go back I will without any doubt. Jamaica was and I'm sure it will be for a long time, the most amazing place I had ever been.
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